Sunday, August 28, 2016

Writing a Chrome Extension - My First Attempt

I decided that I want to learn how to write an Extension for Chrome that will hopefully block those annoying modal dialogs. There are plenty of popup blockers that block the "traditional" new window, but this is trickier.

What is a modal dialog and how do they work?

A modal dialog or modal popup is nothing more than a chunk of HTML that starts out as "hidden", but then is shown - usually when it's visible, access to the page is disabled. Many times, the page is grayed out. The end result is that the user has to take some action to close the dialog, at a minimum, the user needs to click a close button. Sometimes the user will need to sign up for something. Whatever, it's annoying.

My Extension

So, I (we) are going to learn, from scratch, how to create a plugin. My design is sketchy right now, but I'm envisioning that the extension will:

  1. When a user is presented with a modal dialog, (s)he can activate the plugin, click on the popup and add it to a list.
  2. The extension will save the page URL and the web component that is the offending popup. 
  3. The app will save this information to localStorage
  4. Next time the user navigates to a saved URL, the app will find the component and (what should I do, delete it? I could set up a MutationObserver which will listen for the element's change in hidden status and change it to hidden again before it can show itself. ).
  5. I *could* also create an option to disable all iframes.
  6. I could also implement some pre-existing blockers for popular sites that have popups, for example, Youtube.  
My thoughts on this design: 
  1. This extension will only "remember" settings for each browser. I could maybe (in V2) add an export/import feature.
  2. User must have localStorage enabled. 
  3. A concern with localStorage is DOM blocking because the API is synchronous. I'm not worried about this because the write operation is done when the user clicks off of a page. The read is a little trickier. I could read the data into memory asynchronously, but seriously, we are talking about, at most, 3 items per page.

Let's Start!

Since this is a relatively simple project, you can use pretty much any text editor, well except for the icon. I'm using VS Code from Microsoft. It's free and lightweight. It understands HTML, Javascript, JSON, etc. 

I created a branch in GitHub for this step. Mustering all my creativity, I decided to call this branch "Step-1".  Go ahead and download it now.

Here are a few things about extensions:
  1. The icon must be a PNG. 
  2. The manifest_version must be 2.
  3. You cannot use CDNs to reference tools like jQuery. You need to download a copy.
  4. No JavaScript can exist in an html file. (This is good practice anyway.)
manifest.json file:
1:  {  
2:   "manifest_version": 2,  
3:   "name": "Rich Modal Dialog Blocker",  
4:   "version": "0.1.0",  
5:   "description": "Rich Modal Dialog Blocker",  
6:   "browser_action": {  
7:    "default_icon" : "rmb.png",  
8:    "default_popup": "main.html"  
9:   },  
10:   "permissions": [  
11:      "tabs",  
12:      "notifications",  
13:      "http://*/",  
14:      "https://*/"  
15:    ]  
16:  }  

To create an extension, open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/. Or click the top right menu | more tools | extensions. Check the checkbox that says Developer Mode. This lets you upload extension code from your machine.  Click the "Lost Unpacked Extension" button, navigate to your folder where the manifest.json exists and OK. If the planets aligned, then you should see a new extension. Look in the upper right of the browser and you should see my beautiful icon. (OK, I'm really not an artist.)

This is a Hello, World level project at this point. Very simple. While it's certainly not required, I included jquery2.2.4.js because I really like how jQuery makes JavaScript simpler. Right now, we have 5 code files and a

The manifest is straightforward right now.  Main.html (noted in the browser_action | default_popup item) is the popup page we see when we click on the extension's icon. The content.js file just has some simple test code. Right now, all it does is change the inner html of the h2#heading element to "After click". 

If you decide to make some modifications to test it, hit ctrl-r after saving and the extension will refresh. There's also a little Reload (ctrl-r) link on the extension page. It's a wonderful world when we have choices!

If you want to play with this a bit, go ahead. Otherwise, let's do something more interesting - let's modify the html of an active page. Stand by for Part 2.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Extending jQuery Selectors

A small source of frustration for jQuery developers is the :contains() selector doesn't have a startswith option. A selector indicating elements that start with a string is extremely helpful, but the good folks at jQuery central haven't given us one.

Good news!  We can easily write one ourselves.

$.extend($.expr[":"], {
    "startswith": function(elem, i, data, set) {
        var txt = $.trim($(elem).text());
        var term = data[3];
        return txt.indexOf(term) === 0;
Simply place this into a convenient location (after your jQuery script) and you'll be able to use ":startswith"

For example: to find all the
s that have "blah" as their inner text, just do this:


Here's a jsfiddle to use as a quick demo:

Hope this helps! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

FireFox OS - Another Mobile Operating System

When I was at the Android Developer's Conference in San Fransisco last December, I attended a presentation about HTML5 and Mozilla's initiatives in defining the requirements.  The presenter showed us a phone whose UI was HTML5.

Maybe I'm easily impressed, but I loved it!  What simplicity!

If you've read other posts, you know that I really like PhoneGap as a cross-platform tool for creating great phone apps from HTML5.  Well, FireFox OS removes that additional layer.

Firefox OS is a part of the Boot 2 Gecko project.  Gecko is the open source layout engine used by Firefox.

As of now, I don't think you can buy a FFOS phone in the US, but I could be wrong.  The Mozilla docs describe how to flash a phone so you can get it running with FFOS.  I won't get into that.  What I will talk about is how to get a simulator running so you can see basically what the UI looks like.  All of my instructions are based on using Ubuntu 12.04 as my OS.

Before I start, I'll tell you that I got it working first time, then I deleted everything, did it again, screwed it up, deleted again, redid and now it's working. 

Here are the steps that worked for me:

  1. Grab the nightly build from here. I grabbed the b2g-18.0.multi.linux-i686.tar.bz2 version, but this is really OS dependent.  I read that there are some issues with the Linux 64 bit version.  I'm running on 32 bit, so 64 bit wasn't an option for me.
  2. After downloading, I extracted everything to a folder and ran ./b2g.  (Woohoo! It worked!)
  3.  Next, I forked the gaia repository on GitHub. (If you don't have a GitHub account, you can download the repo as a Zip file)
  4. I cloned the repo to my local drive.
  5. I ran "DEBUG=1 build" from my command line.
After several minutes, I got a message  "Profile Ready: please run [b2g|firefox] -profile /home/rich/dev/gaia/gaia/profile"

This message is a little misleading because if you run ./b2g, it is already aware of your new profile directory:
rich@ubuntu:~/dev/gaia/b2g$ ./b2g
Starting b2g-bin
Running: /home/rich/dev/gaia/b2g/b2g-bin -profile /home/rich/dev/gaia/b2g/gaia/profile

Now, if you followed these steps and the stars aligned in your favor, you'll see the same screen as above!

You can browse through the code of the apps that come with the giai repository.  My next step will be to write a simple app and deploy it to my new fake phone.

Have fun!

One more thing.  It looks like the Spanish company Geeksphone will be releasing a phone running on the Firefox OS. There are a couple of Indian companies as well.

Is there room on the market place for yet another phone OS?  I'm not sure.  Android dominates the market place right now, followed by Apple. Microsoft is a big player. People I know who have the MS phones either love them or hate them.

What I find appealing about the Firefox OS phones is the openness of the software and the simplicity of writing apps.

Oh, well, that was 3 more things. 

You can also read this article here:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cross Domain AJAX Calls with PhoneGap and jQuery

When creating a PhoneGap app, you are essentially creating a web page and it lives in the 'localhost' domain. Unfortunately, by default AJAX calls are only supported in the same domain - unless you use JSONP (JSON with padding). You can read more about JSONP here:

Create the Mobile Web Page

Ok, let's cheat... well, is saving time cheating?  I went to and used the prototyping tool and built a quick HTML5 page.

When I was finished, I clicked the "Download HTML" button and was given a neat little zip file with a web page, a CSS file and a JS file. I renamed the CSS and JS files to demo.* and copied them into my PhoneGap www\include folder.

I dropped the HTML page into the www folder and opened it in the editor.  I modified the HTML file to reference the newly added CSS and JS. I renamed the HTML file to ajaxdemo.html.  I also had to update the main java file of the PhoneGap app.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)  

For a quick test, I viewed the HTML file in a browser to make sure it looks OK.  I could, at this point, compile and run the app in my phone.

Add a PHP Page to Call With AJAX

This is a very simple PHP page.  All we want to do is take some parameters from the Request and return a JSON object wrapped in a JSONP function.  You'll see what I mean when you read the code. I call this name.php.

firstname = $_GET['first'];  
 $theName->lastname = $_GET['last'];
 echo $_GET['callback'] .'('. json_encode($theName) . ')';  

The first lines simply grab the request values from the GET collection and assign it to a dynamically created object. PHP is like JavaScript in that you can create an object's members on the fly.

The JSONP part of this return is the
echo $_GET['callback'] .'('. json_encode($theName) . ')'
part.  When we create the actual AJAX request, we will declare a function in which to wrap our JSON response. This is part of our GET request. You'll see more when we build the AJAX request.

The PHP function json_encode()  is handy for taking your object or collection and turning it into a JSON object. You can find more info here.

I uploaded this file to my hosting account, so I can call it from my local code. After uploading, I can simulate the AJAX call with the following URL:

If you've copied my code correctly, you should see results that look like:

Now For AJAX and other JavaScript

The server-side code is in place.  Let's add the JavaScript.
    function appReady(){  
       $("#infodiv").html("Testing JSONP with jQuery");  
       $("#ajax_error").ajaxError(function(e, jqxhr, settings, exception) {  
         $(this).text( "Error requesting page " + settings.url);  
     document.addEventListener("deviceready", appReady, false);  
     $( document ).bind( "mobileinit", function() {  
       // Make your jQuery Mobile framework configuration changes here!  
       $("#infodiv").html('mobileinit worked');  
       $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true;  
     function handleClick(){  
       var url = '';  
         type: 'GET',  
         url: url,  
         contentType: "application/json",  
         dataType: 'jsonp',  
         data: {first: $("#firstname").val(), last: $("#lastname").val() },  
         crossDomain: true,  
         success: function(res) {  
           $("#resultsdiv").html("Hello, " + res.firstname + " " + res.lastname);  
         error: function(e) {  
         complete: function(data) {  

The guts of this script - the part we want to focus on - is the handleClick() function.  This is where we make our AJAX call with jQuery. We should pay special attention to these parameters:

         contentType: "application/json",  
         dataType: 'jsonp',  
         data: {first: $("#firstname").val(), last: $("#lastname").val() },  
         crossDomain: true,  

Declaring the dataType as 'jsonp' will automatically add the 'callback' parameter to the GET request. crossDomain is set to true (of course! otherwise we wouldn't need to use JSONP). The data is passed as a JSON object.  The data elements will automatically be added to the GET request for us - no need to build a URL with a querystring.

We are ready to run our code!  I usually use my HTC Evo, but in this case, I ran it with an emulator so I could get this beautiful screen shot.  I entered a first name and last into the Text fields and clicked the "Click Me" button to get this result.

Now isn't that just gorgeous!

Something you might notice is that the heading is different when you see the page in your browser.  That's because we modify that header in the appReady handler.  The appReady handler is defined in this line:
    document.addEventListener("deviceready", appReady, false);  
The deviceready event is used to notify the app that PhoneGap is loaded.  When writing PhoneGap apps, you should wait until deviceready event is called before depending on any PhoneGap functionality to be available.

That's it for now!  I hope this was helpful.  Please feel free to ask questions or suggest changes.

Edit: I've uploaded the code in this Post to GitHub.

You can also find this article on my new blog site:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Create Your First Android PhoneGap App With IntelliJIDEA

IntelliJIdea for Android Mobile Development

I have been using JetBrains IntelliJIdea to write my Android mobile code.  I've been using Resharper for my Visual Studio (ASP.Net / MVC) projects and I wholeheartedly recommend the tool.  Imagine my geeky excitement when I saw that my favorite VS enhancement had an Android IDE!!

Nothing against Eclipse - I love Eclipse and have used it for my Java development for years now.

I recommend that you start here to begin using IntelliJIdea as your Android IDE. The link takes you to a page that describes how to set up Idea and write your first Android app. Prerequisites are:
  • JDK is available on your machine.
  • Android SDK is installed on your machine. 
  • Download PhoneGap. I'm using version 1.8.1. You might need to make slight adjustments for subsequent versions.

PhoneGap With IntelliJIdea

PhoneGap is a tool that allows developers to write their mobile apps using open standards - HTML5, CSS, JavaScript. Without PhoneGap, we can use expensive tools like MonoTouch ($999.00 per platform). My company uses MonoTouch and it really helps to alleviate the largest problem with cross platform mobile development - finding people that know ObjectiveC and Java.

PhoneGap takes a different approach - write your client code in HTML5, using open source tools like jQuery Mobile to create rich UIs. These HTML pages make AJAX calls to web services that deliver dynamic info.

These same pages can be deployed embedded in your iOS app, your Android app, or simply deployed as a mobile web app viewable in a device's browser.

There are plenty of places that show you how to build PhoneGap apps using Eclipse, but I haven't found any that describe the process for creating PhoneGap projects in IntelliJIdea.  Until now!  :-)

Begin by opening IntelliJIdea and selecting Create New Project. In the dialog box, select Create Project From Scratch.

I called my new project FirstPhoneGapApp.  Select Android Module in the "Select Type" list.

I pretty much took the default settings for the rest of the screens.  I did pick USB device rather than an emulator on the last screen.  If you don't have a device to debug on, then an emulator should work fine.

Now you should have a project in the IDE.  It should like something like this:

Right click on the libs folder and select "Show In Explorer" from the context menu.  Copy your cordova-1.8.1.jar file into this folder.

Right click the assets folder and select "Show In Explorer" from the context menu.  Create a new folder called "www".  Copy your cordova-1.8.1.js file into this folder.

Your project should looks like this. 

Right click on the Project Name (in this case FirstPhoneGapApp) and select "Open Module Settings". Pressing F4 will open the same dialog box. This is the Project Structure dialog.

Select Libraries and then click the little '+' icon near the top of the dialog. Select Java.  Drill into the folder structure and select the cordoba.1.8.1.jar file that you added earlier. Click OK, then click OK again in the confirmation. You've added the cordoba jar file to your classpath.

Expand the Res folder, right click and add a new folder called 'xml'.  Go to this link and download the plugins.xml file.  Add this file to the xml folder you just created.

Open the AndroidManifest.xml file.  Paste the following between the
and the

    android:anyDensity="true" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY" />

Now open the src folder and the package name.  If you chose the default file name when creating your
project, then your file name is MyActivity. Open it in the editor.

At the top, enter the following line with the other import statements: import org.apache.cordova.*;

Change the class declaration to look like the following:

 public class HistoricMarkers extends DroidGap  
   /** Called when the activity is first created. */  
   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)  

OK - 1 more step.  Let's create the HTML file.

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"  
   <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova-1.8.1.js"></script>  
 <h2>Hello, Rich Buff!!</h2>  

Because of my insatiable narcissism, I am compelled to see the message "Hello, Rich Buff" rather than the more ubiquitous "Hello, World".  You can create whatever message your heart desires.  :-)

Now you are ready! (I hope).  Connect your device or activate your AVD and click the Run icon. 

If the stars aligned (and these instructions are clear and accurate), you should see something like the following.

Congratulations! You've written your first mobile app using PhoneGap!

In a future blog post, I'll talk about making your app more dynamic with AJAX.

Have fun!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Been A While

I knew it had been a few months since my last post.  As it turns out, it's been almost a year!  Ugh.  I've been working on some very cool MVC projects, learning HTML5, and dabbling in mobile development.  What have I NOT been doing?  Blogging about it!  Let's change that....

New Discovery 

The only 2 viable mobile platforms right now are Android and iOS. (OK - maybe Windows mobile, maybe).  Of course, what that means is to write an app for both platforms means writing an app in Java for 'Droid and porting it to ObjectiveC (or the other direction).

There are ways to avoid this - Monotouch lets you write your code in C# and compile to your target platform. Monotouch is not cheap - $1000 for each platform! Yikes!

I recently discovered another tool that allows people to write once and run everywhere - PhoneGap.

PhoneGap lets a developer create HTML5 pages, add them as the content to their phone app, compile and run.  Wow.

This has so many advantages:
1. We already know HTML and Javascript
2. Did I mention that PhoneGap is FREE?
3. Testing is a breeze now - in fact, you can write your HTML/Javascript code once, and test it in a mobile browser, desktop browser, and in your apps.

There are very clear directions on how to write an app using PhoneGap, so I won't bore you by re-writing a how-to.  I wrote a very simple app using jQuery Mobile and Google maps.

All this app does is get your current location and create a 'pin' in a Google map. 

Below is the HTML5 code I wrote.  Give it a shot!  :-)  I think PhoneGap is a great tool that really simplifies creating mobile apps.  By the way - I also took advantage of the jQuery Mobile layout tool to generate the HTML and CSS.  What it generates is pretty generic (for example, I had to completely rewrite the code that communicates with Google Maps), but it's a good starting point.


     <link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>  
     <link href="my.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>  
       #mapcontainer {  
       height: 300px;  
       width: 95%;  
       border:3px solid #eaeaea;  
     <script src="">  
     <script src="">  
     <script src="">  
     <script src="">  
     <script charset="utf-8" src="cordova-1.8.1.js" type="text/javascript">  
     <script src="" type="text/javascript">  
     <script src="modernizr.js" type="text/javascript">  
     <script type="text/javascript">  
         if ( Modernizr.geolocation ) {  
           function(pos) {  
           var coords = new google.maps.LatLng(pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude);  
           var mapOptions = {  
             //zoom level, between 0 to 21.  
             zoom: 15,  
             //center to the user location  
             center: coords,  
             //add map type controls.  
             mapTypeControl: true,  
             //navigation control options  
             navigationControlOptions: {  
               style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle.SMALL  
             //default map type  
             mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP  
           // Create the map, and place it in the mapContainer div  
           map = new google.maps.Map(  
             document.getElementById("mapcontainer"), mapOptions  
           // Place the initial marker  
           var marker = new google.maps.Marker({  
             position: coords,  
             map: map,  
             title: "Your current location!"  
     <div data-role="page" id="page1">  
 <div data-role="header" data-theme="a">  
           Where Am I  
 <div data-role="content" id="mapcontainer" style="padding: 15px;">  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Little Gotcha in VS 2010

If you have a class library, and you want to write a Console app to test your class lib with, you might find you get a compile error that doesn't make sense:

The type or namespace name 'MyClassLib' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 

This could be caused by the target framework being set to "client"

Here's how to fix it:
  1. Right click the console app project, and select Properties (at the bottom of the menu).
  2. Select the Application tab on the Property page
  3. Check the Target Framework - make sure it is NOT .Net Framework 4.0 (or 3.5, if that's what you are using).
  4. If it is client, you can just select the correct framework - in my case .Net Framework 4.0
  5. When you select the new Framework, you will get a warning about unloading the project.  Who cares, it's wrong anyway!  :-)